I think most of my blogs to date have articulated that having an efficientDocument Management System...
PacSol Blog
Step into the world of PacSol with our "PacBlog", where we delve into digital transformation, highlight our latest product updates and new services, and engage in insightful discussions on topics that our employees are passionate about.
During a meeting earlier this week, the subject of whether adocument management system(DMS) could be...
What next? Moving forward with your existing ECM
So you have invested in adocument management platform(DMS), perhaps just for a single department tha...
Beginnings are easy. The real work to achieve a goal / level / solution comes after. Chance (or luck...
It is that time of year where once again we all complain bitterly as the return to an early morning ...
(not to be confused with 7.1)
(And the law of diminishing returns) In a discussion last month, the question of defining value came...
Do you still print to approve?
Far too many organisations are still allowing areas of their business processes to stagnate at the e...
For over 28 years, PacSol have provided organisations with powerful and reliable document management...
As a valued PacSol customer and a user of Kofax software solutions, we are sharing some some importa...