We all thought emails would reduce in significance for businesses and be replaced by more guaranteed...
PacSol Blog
Step into the world of PacSol with our "PacBlog", where we delve into digital transformation, highlight our latest product updates and new services, and engage in insightful discussions on topics that our employees are passionate about.
Automation – the current business buzzword?
Having dropped in to a local B2B (business to business) event this week and spent a little time obse...
Greenwashing is a form of marketing spin in which green marketing is deceptively used to persuade th...
These days many of us wear different hats throughout our working day – customer services, sales, sup...
Situated on the lawn as it is, I can’t quite work out if my old Glow-worm boiler is 100% efficient o...
Even those who rarely give the night sky more than a fleeting glimpse will surely have noticed what ...
Business Process Automation – why???
Here at PacSol, our mission is to improve the quality of company business processes through automati...
As the nights draw in (sorry – but true) and with everyone concerned about the environment, the econ...
Plastic is so popular as a packaging material because it is both cheap and light, whilst contributin...
No, not an (allegedly) revolutionary self help book, just an old computer manual. I’ll keep the tech...