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What next? Why might you consider migration to a new DMS?

I think most of my blogs to date have articulated that having an efficient Document Management System (DMS) is crucial for any organisation - regardless of size or industry. If you have a DMS - great! Hopefully since its installation, your organisation has also continued to grow its usage and found many more ways to extract value from the platform. (If not, try our previous article “What next? Moving forward with your existing DMS”.)

brad-starkey-letschange-unsplashHowever, there comes a time when organisations must evaluate their current systems and consider whether process changes or even migration to a different solution might be beneficial. Ideally all systems (including DMS) would be regularly reviewed, with key employees interviewed to assess if needs are still being met but, more often than not, it is a specific issue arising that triggers that review.

So what are the key questions your organisation should be asking with regard to your current DMS?

Note: it is not uncommon when two organisations merge for there to be two different document processing methods in use. The same considerations outlined below could be applied to both systems to determine whether migration from one of the existing platforms into the other, migration of both into a new system or perhaps simply continuing with one system (without data migration from the other) is the most beneficial.

User Satisfaction and Usability

One of the primary indicators that it might be time to switch your DMS is the level of user satisfaction. If your employees frequently express frustration with the current system, finding it cumbersome or unintuitive, productivity can suffer. An ideal DMS should enhance efficiency, not hinder it. When evaluating user satisfaction, ask:

  • Do users find the system easy to navigate and use?
  • Have users all received the right training?
  • Is there a significant learning curve for new employees?
  • Are there frequent complaints or issues that are difficult to resolve?

A positive user experience is paramount. If the current system falls short, employees will find workarounds which can lead to much larger issues (security, compliance, client satisfaction) and negate any of the primary, positive benefits of the DMS.

Scalability and Flexibility

As your organisation grows, your DMS should grow with you. A system that worked well when your company was smaller may struggle to meet the demands of a larger, more complex operation. Consider:

  • Can the current system handle increased document volume and user load?
  • Does it integrate well with other tools and systems your organisation uses?
  • Is it adaptable to changing business processes and regulatory requirements?

A system that lacks scalability and flexibility can become a bottleneck, stifling growth and innovation. Ensuring your DMS can evolve with your organisation, integrate with newer systems introduced and meet new regulatory policy requirements is crucial for long-term success.

Conversely, your organisation may have shrunk and now the DMS that once supported complex transactions is an unused burden (expense) to simply maintain records for compliance or far more simplistic processes.

Security and Compliance

Document security and compliance are non-negotiable in today’s regulatory landscape. If your current DMS fails to meet these standards, it could expose your organisation to significant risks. Consider:

  • Does the current system comply with industry standards and regulations?
  • Can the current system comply with industry standards and regulations?
  • Are there robust security features to protect sensitive information?
  • Can the system easily generate compliance reports and audits?

A DMS that falls short in security and compliance not only jeopardises your data but can also lead to legal ramifications.

The Wrong Reasons to Migrate

Conversely, there are reasons that might seem valid, even when you conduct an investigation and ask all the right questions, but could lead to misguided decisions:

  • Following Trends: Switching systems simply because a competitor did so or because a new system is gaining popularity might not address your specific needs. The DMS needs to be right for your organisation, not what everyone else uses.
  • Short-Term Cost Savings: While a cheaper solution might seem appealing, it could lack essential features or scalability, leading to higher costs in the long run. Whilst it might be cheaper for you now, if it fails to scale in the future, it will lead to another costly migration - negating any benefit previously achieved.
  • Poor Training: Proper training can often resolve user frustrations with the existing DMS system. When asking the users for perspective it is worth checking the training they have so far received and then reviewing whether the training content is correct. For example, a previous user may have modified the training documents to fit ‘their way’ which is not in the best interest of wider usage. Asking the DMS vendor or consultant to provide a training refresher to the users could be far simpler (and less costly) than a migration

Positive Reasons to Migrate

Migrating to a new document management system is a significant decision that will incur short term costs so careful consideration is needed, however, well-chosen DMS can transform your organisation’s document handling capabilities, driving efficiency, and supporting growth.

When considering a migration, it’s important to focus on the right reasons and of course, independent, friendly consultants such as PacSol can help steer those investigations. When the choice to migrate is made for the right reasons, it can bring:

  • Enhanced Functionality: Modern DMS solutions often offer Cloud (SaaS) hosting, advanced intelligent recognition (potentially with AI enhancements) automated workflows, regulatory compliance, and seamless integration with other business tools.
  • Improved User Experience: A new system that is more intuitive and user-friendly can significantly boost productivity and employee satisfaction.
  • Better Support and Maintenance: Migrating to a system with better support of modern technologies or moving to a fully managed SaaS offering can ensure smoother operations and reduced downtime.

Spotting the real reason for a DMS not fulfilling its promise can be difficult which is why having a friendly, independent, document management consultant to help review the situation is essential. Just to be clear, this is not about PacSol trying to usurp another vendor or consultancy, we offer experience and perhaps a second opinion to your organisation for your benefit.

At PacSol we partner with our clients (new and old) to discuss the key issues and help find the right solution that will support your organisation (it's why we maintain several partner relationships) - not hinder. If you have any concerns about your current DMS or perhaps you are looking at merging different existing systems, why not book a free consultation today?

Toby Gilbertson. PacSol UK Director of OperationsToby Gilbertson, Director. June 2024