Software Consultancy Services

PacSol® can offer consultancy services related to IBM i as well produce custom software solutions to address those niche problems in an organisation.

PacSol UK Solutions Icon
With over 30 years experience working with IBM i based Power Systems (formerly AS/400), the consultancy and development team at PacSol have an in-depth knowledge of IBM's flagship fully integrated operating system.
PacSol are able to offer consultancy to perform system health, security and optimisation on an organisation's existing IBM i platform, producing a report of actionable items.
Our development team also has a wealth of custom application solution experience, allowing organisations to work through trick integrations, migrations or provide a solution to a particularly niche requirement.
IBM i for Business Logo
Tungsten Automation Trusted Partner
DocuWare Logo
IBM Silver Partner Logo
Vaadin Logo
Zeendoc Document Management for SMB
Java Powered Logo
Agilico Invu Logo

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A direct conversation about what your organisation is trying to achieve or resolve is simply the best way for us at PacSol® to understand how we can help you.

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Software Consultancy Request

IBM i consultancy

With over 30 years experience working with IBM i based Power Systems (formerly AS/400), the consultancy and development team at PacSol have an in-depth knowledge of IBM's flagship fully integrated operating system.
PacSol are able to offer a range of services related to IBM i including:
  • integration with other organisational applications
  • system health check
  • application customisation including GUI (graphical user interface) creation
  • data migration consultancy

PacSol still maintain a legacy 3995 optical library (optical worm media jukebox) which allows us to assist in 'lost' data retrievals from older media.

IBM Silver Partner Logo
Document Management System

Capture, Import & Migration

PacSol can offer a range of customisable data capture, import and migration functions. whether based on an existing application (such as PacSol IEP, IBM Datacap or Tungsten Automation) or built form the ground up to meet your organisation's specific requirements.
Our years of document capture experience coupled with our development team ensures that we can offer unique solutions to niche issues.

Realise True Potential

Perhaps your organisation already has data capture tools in place, that have been running for many years but no one has addressed whether the organisation's investment is returning its full potential. Perhaps no one knows how or when the platform was installed or the system was inherited through a merger. Whatever the reason, PacSol are here to help your organisation understand the platform's potential.
PacSol have for years supported complex data capture scenarios utilising Tungsten Automation (formerly Kofax) Transformation Modules and IBM Datacap.
In fact, with members of our consultancy team having helped to certify IBM's own Datacap training course, you can be assured of our in depth knowledge of the product when it comes to our consultancy.
PacSol UK Document Capture Icon